Facebook Post Privacy Bug

We have found a bug in the way our system communicates with Facebook that may be affecting your Facebook posts. Here is a quick overview of the bug and what to do if you are experiencing a problem:

What does this bug do?

The bug overrides your general post privacy settings in Facebook causing posts from SRD Social to appear on your personal profile with a privacy setting that differs from your general settings.

How will I know if the bug is affecting my account?

The bug may affect your account if you are:

  • receiving posts from SRD Social to your personal Facebook profile
  • your “future posts” privacy setting is set to “Public”
    (click here to see your privacy settings on Facebook)

If you can say “yes” to both items above, check your most recent Facebook post from SRD Social. If it appeared as anything other than “Public”, the bug is affecting your account.

How do I fix it?

It’s a quick fix; it should take less than one minute to do. Here’s how:

  • Open the Facebook App on your smartphone (this can’t be done on a computer)
  • Tap the 3-line menu at the top right
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap “Settings & Privacy”
  • In the Security section, tap “Apps and Websites”
  • Tap “Old versions of Facebook for mobile”
  • Change the setting to “Public”

That’s all there is to it! Now your future posts from SRD Social should appear as “Public”.

We are constantly working to improve our service and we truly appreciate your trusting us with your social media management.

Thank you for being an SRD Social subscriber!
The Team at SRD Social